2021 Archives
Akron NAACP Online Archives

May 2, 2021 - Housing Committee
The NAACP recognizes the importance of the economy and economic issues in advancing an equal opportunity society and aims to address the challenging economic realities facing our country including poverty, lack of jobs and disproportionate high unemployment, lack of affordable housing, foreclosures, etc.
The Committee on Housing shall:
Study housing conditions in the local community.
Receive and seek to address complaints of discrimination.
Oppose all restrictive practices whether public or private.
Disseminate information and render such other assistance, which may eliminate discrimination in housing.

May 1, 2021 - Labor Committee
Chair: Garvin Carter
The Labor and Industry Committee shall seek ways to improve the economic status of minority groups by:
Working to eliminate discriminatory employment practices in industry and government, wage differentials based on race, unequal opportunities for training, promotion and unfair dismissals.
Encouraging greater participation in the trade union movement.
Working to end discriminatory practices in labor unions.
Securing the enactment of state and federal fair employment practices legislation.
Working for improved opportunities in vocational and apprenticeship training.

February 11, 2021 - Political Action Committee
Chair: Judi Hill
The NAACP is committed to raising awareness for political, educational, social, and economic equality for communities of color in the electoral and legislative process. We are actively engaged in increasing the African American responsiveness to be fully engaged in the democratic process.
The Political Action Committee shall:
Seek to increase registration and voting.
Work for the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of minority groups.
Seek the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation.
Work to improve the administration of justice.
Work to secure equal enforcement of the law.
Keep the National Office and the Unit informed of all proposed legislation which affects minority groups. The Committee shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.

February 9, 2021 - Panel Discussion
IMMAW Inaugural Summit 2021
Panelist: Judi Hill

February 7, 2021 - Youth Engagement Committee
The NAACP is expanding the presence of youth consciousness in every aspect of the Association. Our focus is to enhance the capacity of our local unit by recruiting, engaging, training and retaining young members.
The Committee shall:
Inform youth of the problems affecting African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities.
Advance the economic, education, social and political status of African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples.
Stimulate an appreciation of the African Diaspora and other people of color’s contribution to civilization.
Develop an intelligent, effective youth leadership ensuring the development of future civil rights leaders.

February 5, 2021 - Veteran's Affair Committee
Chairs: Staci Nevels & Thomas Peeples
The veterans committee is committed to establish a working relationship with those state and local agencies having the responsibility in the affairs of Veterans and to see that the programs to which they are responsible are administered fairly and justly to members of the minority community.
The Committee on Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs shall:
Study conditions pertaining to veterans and members of the Military Service and their dependents and/or survivors in the community.
Serve as a center of information on matters affecting Veterans.
Maintain a repository of materials, information and forms to be used in assisting veterans and/or dependents of veterans and military personnel with their problems.
Receive and act on all complaints relative to acts of discrimination on account of race, color, creed, or denial of benefits to which they are entitled because of discrimination.
February 2, 2021 - ACT-SO 2021
ACADEMIC CULTURAL TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENTIFIC OLYMPICS ACT-SO is an academic and talent-based program for high school students.
6 Categories:
STEM, Humanities, Performing & Visual Arts, Business, and Culinary Summit County students compete at the Akron NAACP ACT-SO Competition in April, with Gold Medalists advancing to Nationals in July 2021.
Akron Competition – April 24-25, 2021 Nationals – July 7-10, 2021

February 1, 2021 - COVID-19 Vaccine And The Black Community: A Tyler Perry Special
In the midst of a world health crisis, Perry sits down with top medical experts Carlos del Rio, MD Executive Associate Dean, Emory School of Medicine at Grady Health System, and Kimberly Dyan Manning, MD Professor of Medicine at Grady Health System to address the public’s concerns and fears about the COVID-19 vaccine.
The half-hour special provides helpful and factual information for viewers looking to protect themselves and their families from this unprecedented crisis. Tackling issues head-on, Perry asks the hard-hitting questions to help the community gain insight into this new vaccine.
“COVID-19 Vaccine and the Black Community A Tyler Perry Special” joins BET’s roster of informative specials that address the impacts of COVID-19 on the Black community and answers questions about the vaccine.
“COVID-19 Vaccine and the Black Community A Tyler Perry Special,” is Executive Produced by Tyler Perry for Tyler Perry Studios.
January 20, 2021 - The Akron NAACP History
The mission of the national Association for the advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
The Akron NAACP
The NAACP was established in 1909 and is America’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. It was formed by white and black activists, partially in response to the ongoing violence against African Americans around the country.
In the year 1917, a group of 50 or more interested citizens gathered together to organize the Akron Branch of the NAACP. In 1918 the chapter became nationally chartered. Mr. “Cap” Herring was elected the first president. The Local branch developed strategies to assist the national office in its efforts to eliminate lynchings.
Through the years the Akron Branch of the NAACP worked tirelessly to promote civil rights objectives. The all-volunteer organization addressed the following issues:
The elimination of lynching on a national level.
Segregation in the Akron Schools.
The increased presence of the KKK in Akron,
Discriminatory practices and police brutality.
Fair hiring practices in the local fire and police departments.
Voter registration, information and mobilization by providing rides to the polls.
Quality education for all students.
Over the 100 years, a cadre of leaders supported an agenda of equality of rights for all the citizens of Akron, especially African Americans. The dedication and perseverance of the 28 presidents and hundreds of members ensures the life of the organization for another 100 years.

January 18, 2021 - Executive Committee
President- Judi Hill
1st Vice President- John Williams
2nd Vice President- Theresa Carter
Treasurer- Ednah Borders
Assistant Treasurer- Sheena Mason
Secretary- Sheila Dawkins-Flinn
Assistant Secretary- Lynda Johnson